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The Lawyer's Guide To Managed IT Services To Better Manage Clients, Documents, And Paperwork

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Attorneys are often behind when it comes to IT infrastructure and support. Therefore, IT support can be a good investment for law firms if you want to streamline the filing processes and have access to clients and cases when you need it. Therefore, you want to set up the right IT infrastructure and get experienced support to manage the technology and spend more time winning cases and providing clients with the legal counsel they need. The following lawyer's guide to managed IT services will help you set up the right technology solutions for your law firm:

Meet With The IT Service Developers To Discuss The Technology Needs Of Your Law Firm

The first step in setting up IT infrastructure for your business is to meet with the IT service. You will want to discuss the existing technology that your firm is already using and the solutions that can be added to improve technology, communications, and workflow. It will usually be better to migrate these systems to a solution that is specifically designed to meet the technology, data storage, and security needs of your firm.

Developing An IT Infrastructure Plan To Start Improving The Workflow of Your Firm

There are a lot of options for the IT infrastructure of your business. Due to the legal confidentiality needs of law firms, you want all data and communication channels to be secure, private, and encrypted. Therefore, it is important to work with an IT service to discuss the communication, data storage, and access needs of your business. You will want to have systems designed and developed to meet the specific needs of your law firm.

Discussing The Security Needs Of Your Documents, Financing, And The Systems To Protect Information

The most important aspect of IT infrastructure for law firms is security. It is important to hire professional managed services that offer top-notch security to keep information about your firm and clients safe. Some of the IT security solutions for your firm can include:

  • 2FA access
  • Secure cloud hosting with dedicated hardware
  • IT services monitoring activity and alerts when there are vulnerabilities
  • Hybrid data storage that stores information onsite and offsite
  • Routine security patches and updates to minimize possible vulnerabilities

The best way to keep the information of your business safe is to have a managed service monitor activity and act when there is a problem.

Implementing The Infrastructure And Mobile Access Solutions Your Firm Needs To Get Work Done

The last step in the process will be implementing the infrastructure and moving internal services to the cloud or secure hosting services. In addition, you will want to talk to the managed IT service about the mobile access needs of your firm, which can include secure access to documents, communications with clients, and internal communications with other partners in your firm.

With the right technology and IT support, you will be able to spend more time with work and less time feeling lost with IT problems. If you need help streamlining your business with the right legal IT solutions, contact an IT service for law firms, such as Steady Networks to start planning the technology that needs to be implemented for the specific needs of your firm.
