Electronics From A to Z

5 Safety Tips For Using Power Strips In Your Home

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Power strips allow you to plug multiple electrical applications into one outlet. Power strips are also usually equipped with surge protection abilities, protecting anything that is plugged into the power strip from a surge. There are some safety precautions you need to take when setting up power strips. Safety Tip #1: Don’t Connect Power Strips Together Power strips are not designed to be connected. When you use a power strip, you should plug it directly into the outlet.…

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Info About Surge Protectors

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With so many expensive and important electronics in homes these days, it’s important to know how to care for them in a way that helps keep them in good working condition for as long as possible. One of the things you want to learn about to keep your electronics in good shape is surge protectors. You can learn more about electrical surge protection devices here. What a surge protector does…

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3 Pieces of Equipment to Help Your Home Theater Come Together

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If you are in the process of building your own home theater, you may be a bit confused about what you need to make everything come together. Here are some of the equipment options to put on your wishlist so that your system works properly. Audio Receiver Many people focus on the television when setting up a home theater and treat the audio as an afterthought, even though it’s a crucial part of the home theater experience.…

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